Thursday, June 14, 2007

Jay Reding - Wrong on the Science Yet Again


Computer modeling is based on our assumptions about the Earth’s climate, which may or may not be accurate.

The accuracy of those assumptions can, and has been, verified by comparisons with past data. Same as with any other computational model. They hold up.

We’re in a period of increased solar warming which can have effects on global temperatures.

No, we're not. Solar output hasn't increased significantly since 1940, and indeed, has been falling slightly in the past ten years. Solar output is not responsible for global warming.

We don’t fully understand how the planet’s magnetic field effects temperature.

The planet's magnetic field doesn't fluctuate that much over these timescales. No serious scientist thinks there's a magnetic field connection.

There are a whole host of unanswered questions which defy the easy answers given to us by global warming advocates.

None of those questions justify a wholesale rejection on the vast scientific consensus of anthropogenic global warming. Global warming deniers, of course, have a vast amount of unanswered questions of their own - for instance, where does all the anthropogenic CO2 being emitted at the rate of 2-3 Pinatubo-sized eruptions every year go, if not into the atmosphere? What does it do there, if not the same thing all CO2 does - trap heat that would otherwise radiate into space? There are severe physical problems with climate change models that purport to reject anthropogenic climate change, and for all that deniers claim to be "asking questions", they've never had substantial answers to the questions put to them.

You're way out in the cold on this one, Jay (if you'll pardon the pun), and you have been from the start.


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